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Families are about love overcoming emotional...

Families are about love overcoming emotional torture. - Maker of the Simpsons
Matt Groening
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Reader Comments
Name: Arga2012-11-21
As a child and family trpaheist, I am constantly searching for books to use with the children that I work with. I am usually disappointed with most books that address problems of childhood, because they either treat the subjects too lightly and offer no real solutions for children who have already used the obvious ideas, or are far too complex for the average child to relate to. This book is wonderful. Not only is it written in extremely child-friendly terms, it is comprehensive and gives many good-quality, proven techniques for dealing with fear and anxiety.Topics includes: what kids are typically scared or worried about, where fears come from, how the body and mind work together to make fears better or worse, fear chasers and worry erasers (coping skills), written exercises, and a chapter on more intense fears including phobias, separations anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The book finishes off with a chapter that answers children's questions about what to expect from counseling, should they need extra help overcoming their fears. A note to parents is included, which offers additional information on how to support children with their fears. I highly recommend this book, and wish that the author would write many more books like this one!!
James I really airpe
Name: Lee2014-12-05
James I really airpecpate your advice on running great tips. If that was your first video then I know I will definitely enjoy your other videos. I must say that I have gotten into a rut but I'm not giving up on my weightloss journey, I kind of hurt the top of my foot, I think it was the shoes so I could barely run on it but I will be ok. Thanks again for your newsletter and even considering giving me advice on my running and weightloss journey. Wish me luck and continued success, and I wish you the best in your career.
Keep on writing and
Name: Bubi2016-04-29
Keep on writing and chuinggg away!
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