Love Quotes
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Give all to love; obey thy heart....

Give all to love; obey thy heart.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Rate "Give all to love; obey thy heart...."
Reader Comments
Name: Joy2012-03-20
, What's love got to do with it? The bible says EVERYTHING. Love is the greatest. No eondwr just before Paul gave us his discourse on love in 1 Corinthians, he said, I now show you THE MOST EXCELLENT WAY the way of love.I so feel the love of God here. Bless you Amy for another great post and beautiful photo.Blessings,Vickie
Salma Rahaman on Oct
Name: Gaby2015-10-02
Salma Rahaman on October 3, 2009 Sorry that the Rev. McGee is being replaced. Hopefully, it's teamropry and he'll be back. Rev Thorn's crappy character is just this show needs right now to make it more edgy. You cannot expect everything to always remain the same. Just saying that it makes it more interesting. I also believe thatRyaan and Amar will eventually get together. I admit that I was thought the perfect gift was from Amar, but here again, a show that was getting predictable threw a curve that is smart writing and will make the show stay interesing.
Ab fab my godloy man
Name: Karah2016-04-29
Ab fab my godloy man.
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