Love Quotes
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He who has achieved success has worked well,...

He who has achieved success has worked well, laughed often and loved much.
Elbert Hubbard
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Reader Comments
Name: Antonio2012-09-06
I was searching for some quoets for a multiple choice game that I was going to use for my annual regional meeting this summer. I am now confused after reading hundreds and hundreds and going to many sites -you reference a quote from Nancy Reagan a woman is like a tea bag but, I have found on other quoets sites, that this was a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. Is it customary that a famous quote, from a famous person, would be duplicated by the same? No less, both first wives? I find this very odd even though the Reagan version has been changed slightly, and the meanings come off differently. Is this an error? I didn't want to include quoets in my game, and then have this type of situation come back at me I'd look rather foolish. Thank you-Just Curious.
Helena P comentou em
Name: Karson2016-04-29
Helena P comentou em 3 de dezembro de 2009 às 16:13. Tenho um pedido !!!!!!Mostra o seu closet um dia desses para nós?????, só uma fo#t2ho&i8n30;. é o meu sonho desde que entro no blog!!! e olha que faz tempo heim? bjo
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