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I define love for our purpose as the passion of...

I define love for our purpose as the passion of one being for another in the hope of being loved in return.
Source Unknown
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Reader Comments
Name: Maryjane2012-11-21
2 months is a great amnout of time if you already have a fairly decent BMI.. As far as diet eat low fat/high protein.. A lot of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.. Run, do leg lifts (specifically targets lower abs), swim, if you have a pull-up bar you can hang on it and lift your knees to your chest, do crunches, roman chairs (where you lift one elbow to the opposite knee rotating your upper body), and yeah for lower abs I'm not really sure of what else besides leg lifts and the pull-up thing, but those work really well.. Google them for proper form.. Also, it is better to do them rapidly rather than slowly and on an empty stomach. **EDIT: Oh, and btw, I never fall for those infomercial workout things, but I have been using the Perfect Sit-Up for the past month and I can honestly say that it is quite effective in isolating the abs.. I do all of the exercises listed and after a few sets on that thing my abs were on fire.. It was around $ 40 at Walmart.. I would highly recommend it.
Should you really wa
Name: Molly2015-10-02
Should you really want to get ab mucsles and do efficient workouts for six pack abs then you must realize something. Even the effective ab exericses like reverse crunches are not enough to get a complete six pack. You also require to get a lot more range. Attempt these 3 powerful workouts for maximum fat reduction.
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