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No cord or cable can draw so forcibly, or bind so...

No cord or cable can draw so forcibly, or bind so fast, as love can do with a single thread.
Robert Burton
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Reader Comments
Name: Mutsumi2012-11-21
Your photos are AWESOME! Your blog is adrobale. My dog is half weiner half terrier. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm sorry if I scared you. You aren't the first person to say my blog scares them! I left you a reply. Good luck on the pink line test! (Under "top posts" on my blog I've got an entry about the day I found out.)
Female infanticide s
Name: Rohati2014-12-05
Female infanticide still ocurcs shocked? Wealthy expecting parents will bribe doctors or travel outside China to find out the sex of the child and abort it if it is female. Even when they migrate to other countries they will often carry out the same disgusting practice.What most foreigners realise after spending a lot of time in China is that all is possible with money in China and the more liberties and freedoms you give to most Chinese, the more they will abuse them for their own personal gain.Chinese have two policies the ME FIRST policy and the SCREW YOU policy. It may seem racist to the uninitiated, but firstly, if you come and spend some time in China and live among them for a couple of years you will see through that fake veneer of friendliness. Secondly, I have a Chinese girlfriend (more like a wife than GF) and she is more disgusted by Chinese people than I could possibly be and has often remarked that 80% of them should be killed off to save the rest of humanity from their contamination.
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