Love Quotes
Love Quotes A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W Y

Every day I live I am more convinced that the Comments

Reader Comments
Name: Sally2006-04-19
i'll start regretting when i die
Name: Ottoman2011-06-20
Then you will miss love and regret alot on your deathbed or next life, i hate stubborness it ruins lives
Name: Rehab2012-09-06
that Europe has already lost their cospmas, and has entered the abyss.New thought. Separate:Of all the recent presidents, the administration during which I personally did best was ironically that of Bill Clinton. Yes, he was a liberal, and a Democrat. And, he had his moral failures. But, his presidency and agenda had been co-opted by conservatives. His liberal agenda had not been allowed to fly. He was a check and balance against Congress, and Congress was a check and balance against him. Fast forward. During the Bush presidency, the so-called neocons caused our national wealth to be squandered on their agenda for America. All attempts to balance the budget went out the window. This did not work at all. America was dissatisfied, and voted for the opposite party, who promptly enacted the agenda which had been held in check during the Clinton years. That has really greased the toboggan slide! Now, it seems the brakes are being applied, but it may already be too late.The last time I felt so uneasy about our future was during the 1960 s when my entire generation went crazy with drugs and began fomenting an anti-American revolution. That went on for much longer than was healthy for the country, but gradually common sense returned, beginning in the early 1980s. We do get those crazy periods from time to time, even accompanied by a severe drop in ethics amongst our elected officials. Let's hope this all gets resolved sooner than later. Unfortunately, I believe we've got too much fear rhetoric and distrust driving the political situation, and it may require longer to right the wrong directions, with far more human suffering involved. Let's hope that I am wrong!BB
Thank you for the su
Name: Reuben2015-10-02
Thank you for the supplementary news 後記 !!>> ... 北京無意促統 也樂於 穩定現狀 但對 台獨 或 獨台 則無法接受 >> ... 馬英九一方面要北京加持 使他有經濟政績 另方面為了籠絡兩種獨派 台獨 及 獨台 又要說盡獨台的話Let's not fgreot that both sides have undergone tremendous social-economic-political changes since the late 1970's. For example: During the Cultural Revolution, who would have predicted that China would ever give up state-owned businesses and follow the western world's "private enterprise" model? Who would have thought of implementing economic reform and buying up US debts? Taiwan too has gone thru some tough economic and ideology transformations as well. So, changes are happening and more are possible.Meanwhile, both parties will need to keep an eye out on the global scene which is also changing quickly in terms of geo-political and economic stability, climate change, public health and the environment, attacks by extremists, and distribution of strategic resources. Sometimes, it's better to let sleeping dog lie. When issues are not ready to be resolved by people, time and not force may be the best catalyst in the longer term.
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